Our Lady of Las Vegas offers children education, religious instruction, socialization, and worship experiences in exchange for tuition paid by parents. For the school to fulfill it's mission, tuition payments, as well as other payments, must be made promptly. The school, like parents, has financial obligations that must be paid on time, such as monthly utility bills, meeting payroll every two weeks, etc. When parents register a child for admission to Our Lady of Las Vegas School, they are making an agreement with the school to pay their tuition/fees on time.
Financial Convenant: In August, parents are required to sign a Financial Convenant. This Financial Agreement includes a statement requiring all familiies to support all financial obligations, policies, procedures, and staff of Our Lady of Las Vegas School. In order to appropriately plan for the coming school year, in February, parents will be asked to communcate their intentions by re-registering their children at a non-refundable fee of $400 per child.
Tuition: Tuition is established for each family based upon the number of children in the family who are enrolled as well as their grade level assignments. A total year's tuition is divided into ten equal payments due the second Thursday of each month from August through May. A white communication envelope will be sent home the second Monday of each month. All payments for tuition, hot lunch, extended care, etc., may be sent to school in the communication enevelope.